Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Police said that 54 cases have been registered for spreading communally instigative content through social media in the aftermath of the recent blasts at a Christian prayer meet near Kalamassery in Kochi.
Police said on Saturday that the most number - 26 cases- was registered in Malappuram district, followed by 15 in Ernakulam and five in Thiruvananthapuram. Thrissur City and Kottayam have reported two cases each, while Pathanamthitta, Alappuzha, Palakkad and Kozhikode Rural have one case each. The police, in a release, said they have identified numerous fake profiles which have been used to share posts that can instigate communal hatred.
"Requests have been made to Facebook, Instagram, X, WhatsApp and other social media platforms to identify the IP addresses of such fake profiles. The cyber cell in the state is functioning round the clock to identify such handles," the release said. (PTI)