Thiruvananthapuram: Days after a fifth standard student died of snakebite inside the classroom of a government school in Wayanad, the Kerala government has directed all Panchayats in the state to complete pending repair work in all schools in their jurisdiction.
In a late-night order issued on Saturday, Minister for Local Self Government A C Moideen has made it clear there will not be any shortage of funds for the repair work.
A senior official in the ministry told Media the panchayats can use its own funds or the plan fund for the urgent repair work.
"The minister has also said that the panchayats can seek the help of Kudumbashree and daily wage labourers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act," the official said.
The minister has also directed to construct bathrooms in schools which didn't have one.
The decision to repair schools came amid continuing protests against authorities of the state-run vocational higher secondary school at Kalpetta in this high-range district who had failed to ensure Shehala Sherin, who was bitten by a snake inside her classroom, was rushed to hospital on time.
The 10-year old girl died after being bitten by a snake inside her classroom on November 20.
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