Thrissur: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan called K Meera, the Civil services topper from Kerala, to convey his best wishes. Meera was all smiles as congratulatory messages started pouring in after she secured the 6th Rank in the UPSC examinations. She achieved this feat in her fourth attempt. Revenue Minister K Rajan also visited her house and congratulated her on her achievement.
Born in a middle-class family - her father K Ramdas is a realtor and her mother, K Radhika is a school teacher. Meera completed B.Tech in mechanical engineering from Thrissur Government Engineering College in 2016 and then started her preparations for Civil Services after joining Amrutha Civil Services Academy.
Praising Meera, Minister Rajan said that Meera was the pride of all Keralites and what is more heartening is that she has got into the Civil Services in the Kerala cadre.
Meera said it was her dream to give her services to the land where she was born and she was extremely happy that she could achieve it.
Several important persons, including District Collector Haritha V Kumar and Xavier Chittilapally MLA, visited her at home and congratulated her.
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