Bengaluru: The CBI Director-designate Praveen sood, who hails from Himachal Pradesh, said on Wednesday he will come back to Karnataka after completing his new assignment in May 2025. Currently the Director General of Police of Karnataka, he will soon be handing over charge to his successor and exiting the official (Twitter) handle of DG & IGP Karnataka.
Sood noted that he started this handle in February 2020 after taking charge and connected with all on official matters. "Glad to note that more than 1.6 lakh people are following it, he tweeted. He also thanked people for their responses and feedback on official matters concerning Karnataka Police on his Twitter handle.
Thank you for the love and affection shown to me in past 3.5 years as Head of Police Force and 37 years in general. I will be back to Karnataka after completing my next assignment ie., in May 2025. Thanks for all the support, Sood added. The 59-year-old has been appointed to the post for a period of two years from the date of taking charge after Subodh Kumar Jaiswal completes his tenure on May 25, according to officials.
His name was cleared on May 13 in a meeting of a high-powered committee comprising Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud and Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury. Sood is a 1986-batch Indian Police Service officer of the Karnataka cadre and the senior-most IPS officer in the country after Jaiswal.
Sood was earlier superintendent of police of Ballari and Raichur districts in Karnataka, deputy commissioner of police (law and order) and additional commissioner of police (traffic) in Bengaluru City, and commissioner of police of Mysore city. (PTI)