Davanagere (Karnataka) : Unidentified miscreants purportedly threw stones at the recently launched Vande Bharat Express train while on its way from Dharwad to Bangalore. Some glass windows of two of the coaches of the high speed train were damaged. The incident took place on Saturday afternoon as the train reached the Davanagere city.
When the train was speeding towards the Devaraja Arasu Colony from the Karuru goods shed, some miscreants pelted stones on it. The pelting took place on the left side of the train. The glass windows of the 3rd and 4th coaches of the train showed cracks on the outside as a result of this. On reaching the Davanagere railway station, the railway officials conducted a window check.
Later, they lodged a complaint with the Davanagere railway police. The railway police officers Kona Reddy and the staff who registered the case have launched a thorough search for the accused. The passengers were also worried for some time due to the incident.
Also Read : PM Modi flags off five Vande Bharat Express trains from Bhopal
This incident took place just four days after the Vande Bharat Express started running between Bangalore and Dharwad. The railway department has taken it seriously. Damage to public property is a punishable offence. The police said that they will arrest the accused as soon as possible.
The high speech Vande Bharat Express trains are being launched between different destinations across the country in a bid to improve rail connectivity and ensure speedier travel of passengers. Recently, on June 27, Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off five Vande Bharat trains at one go from the Bhopal station, which are aimed at facilitating faster travel in Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Goa, Jharkhand and Bihar.