Hubballi (Karnataka): In the midst of making security arrangements for PM Modi's visit here today, the police seized an unclaimed car parked on the roadside at Hosur Crossroads for the last several days. The car left there by unknown persons was seized by the traffic police ahead of the inauguration of the National Youth Day program by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The North Zone Traffic Police seized the car bearing the registration number MH 10 CA 6984, sources said.
The Prime Minister's programme is scheduled to be held at the Hubli Railway Grounds. The car that was seized was parked in the vicinity for the last few days. Police are also conducting regular security checks at the airport. Dog Squads and Special Police Forces are also conducting security checks.
Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Alok Kumar said, "heavy security has been provided around the main stage of the railway grounds ahead of the Prime Minister's visit. As a precautionary measure, 2,900 policemen have been deployed. We have deployed 7 SP grade officers, 25 DySP grade, 60 PI, 18 KSRP Garuda, and CDR staff in the city. Alternate routes have been notified to control traffic. Precautionary measures have been taken keeping in mind the convenience of the public."