Chikodi (Karnataka): Chikodi Police on Monday registered a complaint against two doctors and a man in connection with the murder of a three-year-old boy suffering from dementia.
The incident took place at the Hirekodi village of Belgaum district.
The victim had been adopted by the accused man's daughter-in-law Suvarnalatha on the basis of forged documents for Rs 2 lakh. The family was then unaware that the boy was suffering from dementia.
After he was diagnosed with the disease, his grandfather Ramu Chowgale (one of the accused) decided to get rid of him.
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He helped in the task by doctors Maruti Musale and his wife Rekha Musale who had also set up the child's adoption for Suvarnalatha.
All three accused including the two doctors and the child's grandfather killed and buried him on a piece of land in their village.
As the incident came into cognizance of the state Woman and Child Welfare Department, a complaint was filed against all three accused at the Chikodi police station. Further investigation is underway.