Dakshina Kannada (Karnataka): A couple in Dakshina Kannada district has taken love for nature to the next level. Dedicating their lives for conservation of birds, Nithyananda Shetty and Ramya Nithyananda Shetty are growing trees on two acres of land only for birds.
The couple from Eliyanagudu village of Bantwal makes cardboard and bamboo nests and clay pots for the winged creatures to quench their thirst. They also create awareness among people about the importance of birds. They have planted fruits producing trees and have kept clay pots filled with water and food for the birds. One can hear the chirping sounds of the birds across the land.
"We have to protect birds around us and we should keep some space for them. We kept this land for birds to stop the migration of birds due to a lack of water in summer. We grew plants and trees here. We put clay pots and nests made of bamboo and corrugated paper box. We are happy to do this work", Nithyananda Shetty said.
They have also launched the 'Sparrow Nest Awareness Campaign'. Their aim is to create awareness among school children and adult people about saving birds especially sparrows. For this, they visit schools and villages and make people aware of the importance of preserving small birds.
"Conservation of birds is our responsibility. That's why we started the 'Sparrow Nest Awareness Campaign'. We have already visited 205 schools. We feel happy to provide bird conservation information whenever, wherever we go", Rama Nityananda Shetty said.
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