Belagavi: The Karnataka police have lodged Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) against the physical education teacher for sharing the private photos of his student with an intention to break her marriage, police said on Thursday.
According to police, the accused 44-year-old teacher had befriended the girl student. After promising that he would marry her he had exploited her sexually. The accused teacher had also taken photos of their private moments. Meanwhile, the family of the girl fixed the marriage of the girl with another person. To prevent her marriage, the accused who had posted the girl's private photographs on WhatsApp status allegedly made them viral.
Also read: Girl studying in Class 4 allegedly raped by classmate in Jodhpur
The villagers after coming to know about it, thrashed the accused teacher in the school. They also dragged him to the police station and lodged a complaint. (IANS)