Chamarajanagara (Karnataka) : One suspected poacher has been shot dead by the personnel of the Forest department in Chamarajanagara area of Karnataka. The killing allegedly took place during exchange of fire between the forest staff and a gang of eight to ten persons in the Bandipur Tiger Reserve, during the early hours on Sunday, forest officials said.
According to these officials, a gun and dismembered parts of a sambar deer have been seized from the scene of encounter, and further investigation is ongoing. An immediate alert is sounded in the area. The incident occurred in the Maddur range of Bandipur Tiger Reserve. Officials said a team of forest guards and anti-poaching camp personnel were rushed after personnel who were on field patrolling heard sounds of gunshots around midnight.
During the combing operation, the forest personnel found the gang of eight to ten persons, who allegedly fired at them, officials said. The forest guards had to return fire in which one person was killed, while others disappeared under the cover of darkness. The forest officials along with the police personnel are making efforts to nab the other gang members who escaped from the scene of the exchange of fire, the official sources added. It was not immediately known whether any other gangster was injured in this incident.
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