Bengaluru: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) sent the voice sample of a Chikkamagaluru man to the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) in connection with the CD case of former minister Ramesh Jarkiholi. The report is expected on Monday.
Sources said the SIT is likely to arrest the man if the voice sample matches with the voice on the CD.
It was suspected that the background voice in the video is that of a man from Chikkamgaluru. It was in this backdrop that SIT had taken him for investigation.
Also Read: Karnataka CD Case: Woman in purported sleaze video seeks protection
The four persons who were detained and sent for trial in the same case were issued notice by the SIT to attend the hearing.
The victim's boyfriend Akash first got the CD and met many people after that. The SIT has examined as many as 70 CCTV clips as of now.
The team also kept track of the movements of suspects and collected the information.
Police visit woman's village
The police also visited the village of the young woman seen in the video and collected information about her.
Also Read: Ramesh Jarkiholi CD case: Complaint filed at Sadashiva Nagar police station
Cubbon Park police have also displayed a notice in front of the young woman's house on Sunday night at Ilakkal Taluk of Bagalkot district.
The notice says that the woman should give clarification regarding Dinesh Kallahalli's statement on the complaint.
Also Read: Sex CD case: SIT raids three locations, quizzes five accused