Bengaluru (Karnataka): Days after Karnataka Minister Ramesh Jarkiholi tendered resignation from his post over his alleged involvement in the sexual assault of a woman, the State Health Minister Dr K Sudhakar on Friday said, a conspiracy has been hatched to defame efficient ministers who are gaining popularity by their good work.
"There seems to be a conspiracy in the state to defame efficient ministers who are gaining popularity by their good work. In this age of modern technology, it is not an exaggeration that anything can be done to deceive our eyes," Dr Sudhakar tweeted.
He said that they have appealed to the court to issue a stay order against broadcasting defamatory content.
"As they say, a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. One can lose the goodwill gained in a lifetime within seconds due to some conspiracy. To stop this we have appealed to the court to issue a stay order against broadcasting defamatory content," he said.
READ: Karnataka minister caught in sex scandal
The health minister further said that these challenges are not uncommon to those in public life. But it is also inevitable to fight these evil forces when they conspire against us. As long as our conscience is right and people's blessings are with us no conspiracy can harm us. I have full faith in our judicial system.
He also said that it is not confined to only politicians. Celebrities from various walks of life are subjected to this kind of conspiracy. Both Mainstream media and Social media platforms are being misused to broadcast misinformation and fake news. If there is truth in allegations, no one can be protected. Culprits must be punished. No one is above law. But smear campaign to tarnish image and goodwill is not acceptable. Those who feel they are victimised can go to court and seek justice. But there is a new trend to indulge in hit-and-run allegations. This is unethical, immoral and illegal.
In the recent case, it is being reported that videos have been uploaded from Russia and other countries. Isn't it sounding weird? There seems to be a deliberately planned conspiracy behind this. It is quite natural for those in public life to be cautious about their image and goodwill. Any defamatory content must be checked for its veracity. If found true I have no objection to broadcast it 24 hours, he added.
READ: Karnataka: Jarkiholi's brother demands CBI probe in sex scandal
A case was registered against Karnataka Minister Ramesh Jarkiholi on Tuesday for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman.
A purported sex tape showed Karnataka's Major and Medium Water Resources Minister in a compromising position with a woman.
A total of six ministers in the BS Yediyurappa government on Friday moved a Bengaluru court seeking a stay against media outlets from publishing or broadcasting anything defamatory against them.
READ: Karnataka Congress MLA Ramesh Jarkiholi resigns from Assembly
On March 2 Kallahalli, who is a social activist, had told reporters, "I have lodged a complaint with police, demanding a probe into a sex scandal involving Ramesh Jarkiholi. The victim woman was offered a job in Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL). Upon reaching the pre-decided location, the woman was sexually assaulted and now is being threatened by the Minister and his people."