Bengaluru (Karnataka): At least 18 buses parked at Veerabhadra Nagar were burnt to ashes here on Monday. Fire department officials said that at least nine buses which were parked at a garage named SV Coach caught fire at around 11.30 a.m. The cause of the fire is not yet ascertained. Teams of firefighters worked effortlessly for several hours to bring the fire under control. No casualties have been reported so far.
Deputy Director of Fire Brigade, Gurulingayya said, "At least ten fire tenders were required to douse the blaze which gutted nearly 18 buses parked at SV Coach here. All the buses damaged were old and no new bus was parked at the garage during the time of the incident. 10 other buses remained unharmed and were taken out of the coach" He said that it is suspected that a short circuit could have been the reason behind the fire incident.
He further said that the SV Coach is a bus body-building workshop. Several buses were parked here for service and maintenance work. Materials here were highly combustible so it is not yet possible to ascertain the exact cause of fire. A prone into this fire incident has been launched, he added.
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