Mysore: Mysore airport officials have complained to the police that pilots are getting distracted by laser beams that are flashed at aircrafts landing in the night or during take-off at the airport in Mandakalli.
The pilots flying in Mysore area have brought to the notice of the station director about the problem caused by flashing of laser beams for the past one month. The high-resolution lasers are readily available in the local markets. The intensity of the beams is so strong that pilots face difficulties to focus. Pilots informed the authorities that the problem has been encountered from both sides of the runway.
Registering a police complaint, Mysore airport officials said it is not known whether the laser beams are flashed from rooftops for fun or these beams have been switched on for some ongoing programme.
"It is a punishable offence to flash laser light on an aircraft. Those who are causing trouble seem to be unaware of this. So, the authorities have started generating awareness among the public. Also, people who notice laser light being flashed in the neighbourhood are requested to inform police immediately,'' JR Anoop, director of the Mysore Airport Authority said.
According to the Aircraft Rules 1937, a person found using laser light is served a notice by the Central government and if he does not switch it off within 24 hours, the local police station can initiate action against him under the IPC. On the other hand, if the person is not identified then the airport authorities can register a police complaint.
A similar complaint was registered at the Kolkata airport a few years back.
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