Kodagu: The Popular Front of India (PFI) has lodged a police complaint, after more than 100 individuals were seen receiving air gun training at a training camp organised by Bajrang Dal in Karnataka's Madikeri district throughout last week, the police informed on Tuesday. The complaint filed by a PFI member Ibrahim, noted that air guns were used for training purposes in the camp, held in school grounds in Madikeri's Ponnampet town.
The cops have started the investigation, and have also asked the state Education Department whether school premises could be used for such an event. With a political back-and-forth ensuing in following hours, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said that the state government would not allow any illegal event. The camp was held between May 5 and May 11.
The Bajrang Dal members, meanwhile, have argued that the camp did not violate any law, including the Arms Act. The outfit said that air guns and tridents, both used in the course of training, did not come under regulations of the Arms Act. Speaking about the incident, Congress leader Siddaramaiah, the Leader of Opposition in the state assembly, claimed that the incident displayed lack in rule of law in the state.
"By giving arms training in Madikeri to young members, Bajrang Dal has challenged the law of our land. Do we have a Home minister or Education minister in Karnataka? Is the government still alive?" he inquired. "MLAs M.P. Appachu, K.G. Bopaiah and Suja Kushalappa participated in the Shaurya Prashikshana Varga event of Bajrang Dal. Do they have any commitment towards our Constitution?" he further asked. The former also demanded that the Home Minister files a case against the Bajrang Dal leaders and have them arrested.
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