Bengaluru (Karnataka): The Karnataka police have arrested five Congress workers in connection with 'PayCM' posters. The 'PayCM' posters had come up on the streets of Bengaluru with Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai's photo and a QR code.
Congress worker BR Naidu, Pawan, Gagan, Sanjay and Vishwanath have been arrested. Some others have been detained and are being interrogated. An FIR was registered in four stations in Bengaluru city for pasting a poster using the CM's photo under the title Pay CM.
Bengaluru Police Commissioner C.H Pratap Reddy had instructed the City Crime Branch to investigate these cases. On Wednesday night, the High Grounds and CCB police conducted a joint operation. CM Bommai had ordered an inquiry into this case saying that this campaign is a ploy to malign his name and that of Karnataka.