Bengaluru: A private unaided school federation has been angered by the Education Minister's statement. The Associated Managements of Primary and Secondary Schools in Karnataka (KAMS) has now condemned the suggestion of the minister of education Suresh Kumar, that schools should not fail students for not paying the fees.
50-60 per cent of the children do not enrol, do not pay the fees, and do not pay the dues. Online classes have been going on since June. Parents and students are ignoring education because they have not paid fees, said Sasikumar, secretary of Associated Managements of Primary and Secondary Schools in Karnataka (KAMS).
No one is worried about the salary of teachers. Education societies are paying their salaries. So whoever has not paid the dues and this year's fees have been warned that online classes will be stopped for them form November 30, said Sasikumar.
Teachers are struggling with an online class. This rigorous stance is necessary in the favour of private institutions Sasikumar added.