Bagalkote (K'tk): Karnataka Minister Murugesh Nirani, who is contesting the Assembly election from Bilgi constituency on a Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) ticket, has been booked after 963 traditional silver lamps worth Rs 21.45 lakh were seized from the factory staff quarters under Mudhol Police Station limits on Friday.
The minister who holds the Large and Medium Scale Industries portfolio has been booked under Section 171H of the IPC related to "illegal payments in connection with an election." "We have registered a case against Murugesh Nirani," a police officer at the Mudhol police station told PTI.
According to the Chief Electoral Officer Manoj Kumar Meena, silver items weighing 28kg were seized by the Mudhol police. "No of accused persons one and others. To which political party connected to BJP. Place of origin - Nirani sugar factory staff quarters," Meena told PTI. The Minister was not available for comment.
Meanwhile, the daily bulletin shared by the Chief Electoral Officer's office showed the cumulative seizure since March 29 when the model code of conduct(MCC) came into effect for the May 10 Assembly elections, reaching Rs 253 crore on Friday. It further stated that on Friday, silver seized from Nirani's sugar factory, Rs 1.82 crore cash, Rs 37.64 lakh freebies and drugs worth Rs 45.25 lakh.
Cumulatively, Rs 82.05 crore, freebies worth Rs 19.69 crore, liquor worth Rs 56.67 crore, drugs worth Rs 16.55 crore, 145.55 kg gold worth Rs 73.8 crore and 610 kg silver worth Rs 4.28 crore have been seized in the poll-bound state. (With PTI inputs)