Bengaluru: Karnataka BJP President B S Yeddyurappa on Monday accused the Congress-JDS leaders of enjoying at resorts when the state was facing severe drought, drawing a sharp response from Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy who termed his accusation "laughable."
Hitting out, the Chief Minister accused the leader of opposition of "double standards", as he claimed that Yeddyurappa had written to the Election Commission not to permit the state government to call tenders for developmental works, citing the election model code of conduct.
In a statement released by the chief minister's office, Kumaraswamy said despite the model code of conduct being in force, the chief secretary was taking all necessary steps to deal with the situation by coordinating with the principal secretaries of various departments. Stating that State has good officers who were working efficiently, he said the chief secretary was giving him update about steps being taken to manage the drought.
Kumaraswamy said he has given all required instructions to the chief secretary before leaving for Udupi, where he is undergoing treatment at a health tourism centre, and asked Yeddyurappa to stop making such statements to stay in "news". The chief minister also called his statement "laughable."
Earlier, Yeddyurappa had attacked Kumaraswamy and his cabinet colleagues for "not trying" to understand the drought situation in which people and livestock of 162 taluks have been affected.
Noting that 2,157 villages are facing shortage of water and they were migrating, the former chief minister alleged that in such a situation the chief minister and several ministers were taking rest at resorts or have gone abroad. Even the administration would go into deep slumber if the chief minister and ministers are not active, Yeddyurappa said and claimed that even in Bengaluru the situation was grave.
He urged at least the chief secretary to take immediate measures, "or else people will not forgive you."
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