Bagalkote (Karnataka): In a horrifying incident, a man allegedly killed his son-in-law for marrying his daughter in Karnataka's Bagalkote on Saturday night, police said on Monday. The deceased has been identified as Bhujabali (34) belonging to the Jain community. The accused has been identified as Tammanagouda Patil. According to police sources, Bhujabali and Bhagyashree, daughter of Tammanagouda Patil of Kshatriya society, fell in love with each other. Both of them had registered for marriage a few months ago.
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On Saturday night, Bhujabali was on a two-wheeler, along with his nephew, the accused intercepted Bhujabali threw chilli powder at him and stabbed him with a knife, Jamkhandi police said. After committing the crime, the accused surrendered before the Jamkhandi police. Tammanagouda Patil has been arrested by the police and investigation is going on.