Bengaluru: A 50-year-old paralysed and bedridden woman was allegedly killed by her 60-year-old husband in Bengaluru, police said on Tuesday. The deceased has been identified as Shivamma. The accused has been identified as Shankarappa, a resident of Turahalli on the outskirts of Bengaluru. According to police, Shivamma was paralysed and bedridden for the past two years. She couldn't move both her legs and needed full-time care. Shankarappa, a watchman of an under-construction building for a year survived with his wife and two children. Shankarappa was disappointed with the plight of his wife and hated to take care of her, police said.
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On Sunday, Shankarappa lifted his wife and threw her into a 9-feet deep sump filled with water and killed her. When the couple's 11-year-old son, who had gone out, returned home and saw his mother's body in the sump. He rushed to a nearby garage and sought their help. Later, police were also informed and the body was sent for post-mortem. The Talaghattapura police took the man into custody and on questioning he confessed to committing the crime.