Ballari: With environmental pollution posing a major threat to iconic monuments across the country, a group of young engineering students have found a green solution to the issue.
Semester 8 Mechanical Engineering students from Ballari's Rao Bahadur college have built a 6-pedalled-cycle, or a pedal crawler.
The young innovaters built the pedal crawler with the hope that it could provide a cheaper and more environmental-friendly option to the thousands of tourists visiting nearby Hampi - a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The unique wagon can hold six passengers, all of whom have to pedal to power it forward. The entire project was built at a cost of Rs 50,000.
The world-famous town of Hampi has narrow and winding roads, with motor vehicles prohibited from plying near a few monuments. Battery-powered cars operate near such monuments.
The students hope that their innovation provides for an even better option, as it does not require an engine, and the prospect of pedalling around the group of monuments might seem fun to tourists.