Dharwad (Karnataka): A six-year-old girl from Karnataka's Dharwad, Srisha Mudagannavar has been awarded an honorary degree by the Universal Tamil University of Tamil Nadu for her excellence in general knowledge.
With this feat, Mudagannavar has become the youngest to be awarded the degree in Karnataka. Daughter of Ishwar Mudagannavar and Keerthi Mudagannavar of Kundagola town, Mudagannavar is a student of the second standard who caught the attention of the people for extraordinary intellect and memory power.
Mudagannavar can also tell the titles of more than 200 movies of late actor Dr Rajkumar (Legendary actor of Sandalwood cinema) in just 3 minutes.
Seeing this, Punith Rajkumar, Kannada actor & the son of Dr Rajkumar, praised her. He also met the girl and wished her for her future achievements.
Mudagannavar has also entered into India Book of Records, Exclusive World Record, Karnataka Achievers of Book Records, Future Kalam Book of Records, The Universe Achievers Book of Records for her skills.
"She was very good at reading. We were amazed and felt that is something special. She remembers everything. She can answer 6,000 questions easily. We hope that she will achieve more in the coming days", said Keerthi Mudagannavar.
An honorary degree is an academic degree for which a university or other degree-awarding institution has waived all of the usual requirements. The degree is typically a doctorate or, less commonly, a master's degree, and may also be awarded to someone who has no prior connection with the academic institution or no previous postsecondary education.