Indiranagar: The Karnataka High Court has directed the Station House officer, Indiranagar Police station, to not insist on a 'photograph with a slate' of a woman, Gandhimati who is seeking to execute the bail bond.
Justice Alok Aradhe, who allowed the petition filed by 52-year-old Gandhimati said, "Respondent no. 3, not to insist the petitioner to take her photograph with a slate and to accept her Aadhar card as identity proof along with surety."
The woman had been granted bail by the lower court on July 12, with a condition that she shall produce her Aadhar card in support of her identity.
However, the police insisted on clicking her photograph with a slate and also took her fingerprints illegally. The petitioner said that the demand for photograph was impermissible.
Additional Government Advocate informed the court that suitable action would be taken as per lower court order.
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