Bengaluru: The police on Friday arrested two men for duping a businessman of over Rs 9 crore in the name of GST returns while posing as assistant chartered accountants in Karnataka capital Bengaluru. The accused have been identified as Nikhil and Vinay Babu. According to the police, Nikhil has cleared his CA exam, but he is not a practising CA.
The second accused Vinay Babu is an accountant. Three more accused in the case are said to be absconding in the case. The accused duo was arrested by the Sanjaynagar police following a complaint by the victim. The victim is the owner of an automotive company and had approached the victim to file GST annual returns.
Also read: Rs 8,000-cr GST fraud unearthed in Uttarakhand
The victim alleged that the accused hoodwinked him to pay Rs 9.60 crore as GST. On realising that he had been cheated, the victim approached the police. The victim lodged a complaint with the Sadashivanagar police station. Later, the fraud case was transferred from Sadashivanagar Police Station to Sanjaynagar Police Station, because the accused are from the jurisdiction of Sanjaynagar Police Station.
The police from the Sanjaynagar police station said that a case was registered following the complaint of the victim. In the subsequent police raids, a police team arrested accused Nikhil and Vinay Babu. Three others are still absconding. The police launched a man-hunt to nab them. Besides, property worth more than Rs 3 crore linked to the accused has been confiscated. The police said that the accused had spent crores of money. Besides, the accused Vinay Babu had reportedly bought a flat. Further investigation into the incident was going on.