Chikkaballapur: A man was arrested after he allegedly slit the throat of a person and attempted to drink his blood in Chintamani taluk of Karnataka's Chikkaballapur district, police said. The incident that took place four days back came to light after its video went viral on social media.
The video where the gruesome act has been captured, showed a man lying on the ground with blood oozing out from his injured throat. The accused sitting beside him bends down to drink blood from his bruised throat. Also, he thrashes the injured man leaving him crying out in pain.
A case has been registered in the Kencharlahalli police station against the accused, identified as Vijay, a resident of Batlahalli in Chintamani taluk. Vijay has been arrested while Maresh, a resident of Madempalli in Chelur taluk has been admitted to the hospital where he is currently undergoing treatment.
According to the police, Vijay and Maresh had some family dispute and were not in good terms with each other. Neighbours, however, alleged that the two quarreled over Vijay's alleged illicit relationship with Maresh's wife.
Four days back, Vijay had asked Maresh to come near Siddepally cross in Chintamani taluk. There, the two had some altercation over a family matter and Vijay had slit Maresh's throat with a knife in a fit of rage. He then attempted to drink blood from his neck.
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The entire video was captured by some passerby on the mobile phone. It was uploaded on the social media recently following which the incident surfaced.