Bengaluru (Karnataka) : A fake bomb email threat has created panic again in the Silicon City. Tension prevailed for sometime after a bomb threat email was received at the Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya Museum, which is adjacent to the Cubbon Park Police Station in the Karnataka capital city.
The Visvesvaraya Museum located on Kasturba Road, an educational tourist destination and one of the top museums. The staff who opened the museum at 9 am this morning checked the official e-mail. They were shocked after seeing bomb threat message sent by some self-proclaimed terrorists in the e-mail.
The bomb threat message was received by Visvesvaraya Museum from an email id named Morgue999lol. 'Various explosives have been placed inside the museum and will be detonated tomorrow morning. So many people die in museums. We belong to an organization called Terrorists 111. Give our group name to the media', the miscreants mentioned this in the email.
The staff of the Visvesvaraya Museum immediately informed the police in this regard. The police personnel, dog squad and bomb disposal squad who reached the spot conducted a check and no explosive material was found. It eventually came to be revealed that this was a fake bomb message.
In the first week of December last, the residents of Bengaluru city woke up to a shocking news as nearly 15 schools received email bomb threats. However, those threats proved to be a hoax and the bomb disposal squads found no suspicious objects there.
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