Bengaluru (Karnataka): The Karnataka High Court on Wednesday sought clarification from the Union of India (UoI) whether they have taken any proactive steps towards giving wide publication to draft EIA notification 2020 in vernacular languages.
The central government counsel stated that they have informed all SEIAAS to translate the same into vernacular languages. But the court noted that nothing in this regard was placed on record. The central government counsel thereafter kept on arguing that they have given publicity to the notification in accordance with the law.
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The court observed that in the past order dated on July 23, 2020, it was recorded that prima-facie this submission was rejected by the court. The advocates for the petitioner have brought it to the notice of the court that the objections submitted by the Union of India was misleading and drafted in an irresponsible manner, ad they stated that the notification was published in the web portal on March 12, 2020.
Whereas the notification itself was dated March 23, 2020. Further, it was argued by the petitioner's counsel that the draft notification was never published in the official website of the MOEF and PARIVESH is a web portal created for the purpose of granting clearances and to be used only by the stakeholders (project proponents) and consultants and PARIVESH is not viewed by the general public.
It was also pointed out that the MOEF has issued emails to the stakeholders regarding the draft EIA notification. But they are not ready to give the wide publication of draft EIA to the general public.
It was also pointed out that as per the census 2011, only 43% of the Indian population can speak and understand the Hindi language. The majority 57% are non-Hindi speakers. Further, it was pointed out that the draft EIA notification itself contains provisions for public consultation in which it is mandated that notice for public consultation is required to be taken out in local/vernacular languages.
After hearing the above submissions the court passed an interim order directing that the Union of India shall not finalize the draft EIA 2020 and make it as a law till wide publicity given in vernacular languages, in Kannada language and giving reasonable opportunity and time to the citizens to file their objections and suggestions, till the next date of hearing slated for September 7, 2020.