Bengaluru: The Karnataka government has decided to relax Covid norms amid a drop in new cases. Night curfew will be withdrawn in the state, schools and colleges in Bengaluru will reopen from January 31, announced the State government on Saturday.
Addressing the press after CM Bommai-led Covid meeting, Revenue Minister R. Ashok said, the state authorities have decided to open schools (Class 1-9) in Bengaluru from Monday, and that the night curfew will also be lifted from Jan 31.
If a case of COVID-19 is reported, only the particular class and not the entire school will be closed. In all other districts, DCs will take action based on positivity rate in the schools.
It was also decided to continue with the mandatory RT-PCR tests for passengers coming from Maharashtra, Kerala and Goa.
Other relaxation as per revised guidelines:
Government offices will run at full capacity
Hotels, restaurants, clubs, pubs and bars have also been allowed to function with full capacity
Theatres, auditoriums and multiplexes have been capped at 50 per cent
Gyms and swimming pools too can operate with 50 per cent capacity
Marriage functions are permitted with 200 members indoors and 300 outdoors
Also Read: COVID-19: Dip in new cases at 38,083 in Karnataka, 67,236 discharges
The Metro rail and other public transport will run at their sitting capacity
Religious places can open with 50 per cent capacity
Protest, sit-ins, rallies, religious congregations, political programs stand prohibited.
Karnataka on Friday register 31,198 fresh cases, about 7,000 less than Thursday. 71,092 people were also discharged on Friday.