Gadag: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has taken a dig at the Congress for proposing a bann against the Hindu right wing outfit Bajrang Dal in its manifesto for the upcoming assembly eelction in the state. Speaking at a BJP campaign rally in Shirahatti town of Gadag district on Tuesday, CM Bommai said that in order to ban Bajrang Dal, Congress must first come to power.
The Karnataka CM said that the Congress will not come to power in the state adding that Bajrang Dal will not be banned. “There is no question of banning Bajrang Dal. It is an organization that works socially and religiously. PFI has done anti-national work and is involved in terrorist activities. There are many cases against the PFI.
Also read: VHP leader Surendra Jain attacks Congress for likening Bajrang Dal with PFI in Karnataka manifesto
The Congress will not come to power,” Bommai said. Responding to Mallikarjuna Kharge's statement that there is no Ambedkar photo in the RSS office, Bommai asked if anyone had come and seen it. The Congress, which on Tuesday announced its manifesto for the Karnataka assembly election, promised to ban outfits irrespective of majority or minority communities for “promoting enmity or hatred”.
The Congress manifesto named 'Sarva Janangada Shanthiya Thota' (Peaceful garden of all communities) said that that law and Constitution is sacrosanct and can not be violated by individuals and Organisations like Bajrang Dal, PFI or others promoting enmity or hatred, whether among majority or minority communities.
“We will take decisive action as per law including imposing a ban on any such organisations," read the Congress manifesto. The Congress has also promised to provide 200 units of free power to every household, Rs 2,000 every month to every woman head of the family, Rs 3,000 per month for two years to unemployed graduates and Rs 1,500 per month to unemployed diploma holders if voted to power in the upcoming Karnataka assembly election.
Assembly election is scheduled in Karnataka on May 10 while counting will be held on May 13.