Bengaluru: In a heartbreaking incident, three sisters lost their lives while trying to save their drowning brother, who too died in a pond in Karnataka's Vijayanagar district on Wednesday. The deceased were identified as Abhi (13), Ashwini (14), Kaveri (18), and Apoorva (18), a police official said.
Also read: Nine-year-old boy among four drown in pond in Maharashtra's Ambernath
Giving details of the mishap, the official said the girls saw their brother drowning in the pond near their residence in Channahalli Tanda and rushed to rescue him. However, in the process, they too drowned. The police, fire services, and emergency service personnel rushed to the spot and fished out three bodies. Search is on for Apoorva's body, the official said. A case has been registered and an investigation is on.