Bengaluru: Naresh Gowda, who is being interrogated in the Ramesh Jarkiholi CD case in Karnataka, has sent a video in which he said he was being trapped and he had no role in the case, according to sources.
At this point, if I get caught by any of the SIT officers, there will be attempts to convict me. I will be presenting the information to the investigators in a week, he said in the video.
As a journalist, I have reported several news stories. The accusations that are being heard against me are pure lies. I have not received money from any political leader. I am a resident of Bhuvanahalli of Shira taluk of Tumkur. If my monthly salary is delayed, it will be difficult for me to pay a monthly instalment for Rs 5 lakh loan, Gowda said.
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I know the young woman, but do not know about CD:
Last month I was introduced to a young woman by a friend. She complained that former minister Ramesh Jarkiholi had used her sexually, by telling her that he would provide work for her. But there was no strong evidence. I was busy with my daughter's naming ceremony. The young woman and her friends had come to the ceremony, Naresh said in the video.
Ramesh Jarkiholi is being shown as the victim and all of us, in this case, are shown as accused. I did not commit any mistake. I am going to appear before the Inspector General within 5 to 7 days and give them all the information that I know, Gowda said.
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