Bengaluru: In a shocking incident, a woman and her paramour murdered her husband, who objected to the illicit relationship in Soladevanahalli area of Karnataka's Bengaluru on Sunday, police said. Police have arrested the accused woman Jayalakshmi and her paramour Ashok. A police spokesman said that Jayalakshmi lodged a complaint on Monday saying her husband Dasegowda, 48, went missing after leaving for Ramanagara for some work.
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In the subsequent interrogation of the woman, she confessed that she was in an illicit relationship with Ashok to which her husband objected. She and her paramour hatched a plot to kill him. On Sunday, both strangulated Dasegowda to death and later dumped the body into the drain near Ramanagara along the Bengaluru-Mysuru highway.
Police have arrested both the accused while further proceedings into the case are on. Dasegowda and Jayalakshmi were working in a farmhouse under Soladevahalli police station area. Both have been married for 16 years and have two children.