Dakshina Kannada(Karnataka): The controversy over wearing a hijab resurfaced in Mangaluru, in Karnataka's Dakshina Kannada district on Friday. This time two groups of students from P. Dayananda Pai and the P. Satish Pai Government First Grade college in the city confronted each other over the hijab issue.
However, the police restored normalcy in the college campus. The principals of the colleges have allowed the students to wear a cloth around their head and appear for exams in the college. The students have been told not to use pins over the cloth which resembles a hijab.
The girl students, who appeared for the exams with a piece of cloth around their heads, were met with protests by a few students who asked the former to leave the examination hall.
This led to an argument between the two groups of students leading to a confrontation. Later, the students started quarreling at the entrance of the college. However, the police rushed to the spot and took control of the situation.
The principals of the colleges also held a peace meeting and the situation is under control now, the police said.