Belgaum (Karnataka): Four members of the same family drowned in the Krishna River in Belgaum. The incident took place in Athani taluk of Belgaum district in Karnataka. The search for the drowned members, said to be brothers, is still on. The four brothers had apparently gone to the river for washing clothes.
The search for the missing brothers is underway through NDRF, Kolhapur Disaster Management Squad and local administration. The search operation has been going on since morning, with the troopers using scuba divers to find the bodies.
The deceased have been identified as Parashuram Gopal Bansode, 36, Sadashiv Gopal Bansode, 24, Shankara Gopal Bansode, 20, and Daryappa Gopal Bansode, 22.
One of the four brothers who went to the river to wash clothes on Monday drowned while all those who went to save him drowned in the river as well.
Also read: Family of 6 commits suicide in Karnataka