Doddaballapur: In a shocking incident, four members of a family, who were working at a poultry farm, died on Saturday night near Holeyarahalli in Doddaballapur taluk when they were fast asleep. It is learnt that due to rains the weather was cold, hence, the family reportedly lit charcoal to keep themselves warm. The police suspect that they might have died after inhaling the smoke.
The incident came to light when the owner of the poultry farm came to the place in the morning when the family did not receive his calls. The deceased have been identified as Kale Sarera (60), Lakshmi Sarera (50), Usha Sarera (40) and Pool Sarera (16) from Allipur in West Bengal.
Kale Sarera was the head of the family and joined the poultry farm belonging to Mohan 10 days ago. Four members of the family were working in the poultry farm and were staying in the adjacent shed. According to the police, on Saturday night they lit charcoal and closed the door of the room to protect themselves from mosquito bites and keep themselves warm. According to the preliminary investigation, the entire room was filled with smoke and they breathed their last due to lack of oxygen and increased carbon monoxide levels. On receiving the information, the Doddabelavangala police reached the spot and launched a probe into the incident.
Bengaluru Rural Superintendent of Police Mallikarjuna Baladandi said, "Our team rushed to the spot after receiving the information and checked the house and found smoke inside the room. The FSL team has been called to find out the real reason behind the death of the four members of the family. The cause of the death will be known after the report."