Chitradurga (Karnataka): In a horrific incident, four people died and three others were seriously injured after a car collided with a parked truck in Karnataka's Chitradurga, the police said on Monday. The incident took place near Mallapur of the city. The deceased have been identified as Shamshuddin (40), Mallika (37), Khalil (42) and Tabrez (13), Chitradurga SP Dharmendra Kumar said.
According to the police, a car with seven passengers was heading towards Tumkur from Hospet, however, it rammed into a parked lorry on Monday morning. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and started an investigation into the accident. The three injured identified as Nargis, Rehan and Rehman have been shifted to the district hospital for treatment, SP Kumar said. A case has been registered in Chitradurga rural police station regarding this accident and an investigation is underway, the police said.
Also read: Rajasthan: 35 injured as tractor-trolley overturns while returning from temple visit
Earlier, at least five people were killed and two others were injured after a lorry collided with an auto near Santamagulur Government High School in Bapatla district of Andhra Pradesh. The mishap occurred when a lorry going towards Vinukonda Road from Narasa Raopet collided with an auto coming from Markapuram. The deceased were identified as Belimella Kavitha, Alivelu Mangathayaru, Palthi Nari, Tammishetti Tulsi and Burri Madhavi. The police said that three of the deceased worked with a caterer in Guntur. They also said that the bodies of the deceased were sent to the mortuary for post-mortem.