Dharwad (Karnataka): The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday arrested former Karnataka Minister Vinay Kulkarni in connection with the murder of BJP worker Yogesh Gowda in the state's Dharwad district in 2016. After the end of his CBI custody today, the court has ordered to send him to 14 Days of judicial custody.
CBI officers arrested Kulkarni and interrogated him about the murder case of BJP worker Yogesh Gowda. After the end of the CBI custody, the officers presented him in front of the 3rd sessions court of Dharwad through the video conference from the Hubli office. After the hearing, the judge sentenced him to judicial custody up to November 13.
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Central Bureau Investigation officers, who interrogated Kulkarni, asked the court to send him for their custody for 3 more days. But the court has sent him for 14 days judicial custody.
Despite pleas by CBI officers to give permission for a polygraph test of Kulkarni, the court rejected the plea of CBI officials.