Bengaluru: Karnataka police have arrested a 28-year-old Ivory Coast-based football player and seized two and a half kilograms of drugs, worth Rs 2.5 crore from his possession on Friday, said S. Murugan, Additional Commissioner of Police.
The accused has been identified as Dosso Khalifa, who was allegedly filling up MDMA crystal powder in champagne bottles.
According to police, Khalifa, who resides in the range of Govindpura Station, came to India five years ago on a tourist visa. He was staying in Bengaluru even after his visa has expired. He also had a constant involvement in the drug rackets. Earlier in 2018, a case was registered against him at the Bengaluru and Konanakunte police stations, on the charges of supplying drugs.
Acting on a tip-off, the Karnataka police carried out a search operation and arrested Khalifa and seized his mobile phone and motorcycle.
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Khalifa generally targets the students and techies, and supply drugs to high-end parties via major drug peddlers. He used to get drugs from Goa and used to sell them to other cities of India including Bengaluru, Mumbai, informed police.