Bengaluru: In an incident that has raised questions over the safety of expensive items in online shopping, two delivery boys have allegedly escaped with five iPhones and an Apple watch without delivering those to the customer. A case has been registered at the Cyber Economic and Narcotics Crime Police Station (CEN) of Central Division in this connection. The accused, identified as Arun Patil and Nayan J, are associated with a Bengaluru-headquartered company that delivers groceries and other essentials within the stipulated time.
The matter came to light after Taslim Arif lodged a complaint with the police stating that the two delivery boys did not deliver the iPhones and an Apple watch at his address. The complainant had purchased the phones and watch from a shop in Sunakal on March 5. Taslim had then sought the online delivery company to collect those items from the shop and hand it over at an address in Vijaynagar.
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The complainant said that one of the accused, named Nayan had called after some time and told that a delivery boy named Arun Patil had received the parcel from the shop. The accused informed Taslim that the parcel would be delivered at the address that was given to them very soon.
"Neither of the two delivery boys delivered my parcel. When I called them, both had switched off their mobiles", the complainant said. Based on Taslim's a case has been registered at the CEN station of the Central Division. The police have initiated an investigation and a search is on to nab the two accused. The police said that they were questioning the shop owner and the officials of the delivery company.