Bengaluru: The Congress party has lodged a complaint with the Enforcement Directorate against former minister Ramesh Jarkiholi in the sensational CD case. Opposition parties have expressed outrage against the ruling party in the CD case which is being investigated by SIT.
Read: Karnataka CD case: SIT records statements of woman's parents
The complaint has been lodged with the Enforcement Directorate to investigate alleged multi-crore rupee cash transactions in the CD case.
The complaint filed by the general secretary of the Bangalore Central District Congress Campaign Committee was based on a statement made by Ramesh Jarkiholi in connection with a multi-billion rupee transaction.
Read: Opposition protests with CDs in Karnataka assembly
"Ramesh Jarkiholi said that there was a turnover of Rs 5 crore, Rs 20 crore and Rs 100 crore. The young woman who was on CD was given two flats abroad. He has publicly stated his statement of cash flows. In this case, the ED and IT have not taken any action. We have lodged a complaint with the ED to investigate and prosecute the matter", said Puttaraju, secretary of the Bengaluru Congress campaign committee.
The complaint was filed under the 2002 Illegal Money Laundering Act.
Read: Siddaramaiah demands rape case against ex-minister, court- monitored probe