Kalaburagi (Karnataka): Three including two ex-corporators have been booked for allegedly giving death threats to District Backward Classes Welfare Department officer Ramesh G Sanga over his statement on his transfer recommendation by Kalaburagi's BJP MLA Dattatreya Revoor, police said.
The ex-corporators have been identified as Prabhu Hadimani and Vishal Dargi who along with their companion Chandrakantha Santapura booked for giving life threat to the officer.
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Sanga complained about the police after receiving a life-threatening call over his media statement related to his transfer.
In an interview to a news channel, Sanga had levelled several allegations against the MLA. He alleged that Revoor had made several attempts to transfer him. He went on to say that he urged the MLA to provide funds for distributing ration kits to COVID-19-affected people in the city but he ignored Sanga 's request.
ANI report