Bengaluru: A chilling footage emerged from Bengaluru on Tuesday, as a motorist, in a mobile video, was seen dragging a person clinging to the back of his bike in the city's Magadi Road area. The incident took place after the rider, approaching a Tata Sumo from the wrong side of the road, crashed against the vehicle. The incident in question took place when victim, identified as the Sumo driver, got down and tried to question the motorist, who decided to flee the scene near the Magadi road toll gate.
The biker dragged the victim for about a kilometer before coming to a halt close to Hosahalli metro station, with the person recording the video seen to be disembarking from his two-wheeler and probing the accused. Upon being informed, police arrived at the spot and registered a case in this regard. The accused, meanwhile, was identified as one Sahil, and has been detained by the police at Govindaraj Nagar police station. The victim has been admitted to a city hospital.
Notably, the rider attempted to also crash into the biker recording the video, but ultimately found his path blocked by an auto. The incident is learnt to have taken place after the car driver demanded repair works for his vehicle, and decided to block the path of the fleeing two-wheeler rider.