Bengaluru (Karnataka): Bengaluru Central Crime Branch (CCB) on Friday raided and allegedly seized five daggers and Rs 2 lakh in cash from one of the houses of the active and notorious rowdies on Friday. As per the report, the raids have been conducted at the houses of Wilson Garden Naga, Cycle Ravi, Silent Sunil, J B Narayan, and their associates.
As many as 45 houses were raided in the backdrop of increasing criminal activities in the city.
Two lakh cash and one dagger were allegedly seized from the house of Wilson Garden Naga while four daggers were seized from the houses of other rowdies. Earlier on July 15, the city police also raided houses of foreign nationals, who are residing in the city amid rising cases of drug trafficking in the city.
Also Read: 2 Nigerian nationals held in Bengaluru with cocaine worth Rs 15 lakhs