Mangaluru: A 63-year-old woman, who started a cycle journey from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, promoting fitness through cycling, met with an accident and broke her arm here. Kamalesh Rana, a resident of Haryana, started the voyage on September 26 and when she reached Mangaluru, a handle supporter fell off and she rammed into a bus.
Rana, who started cycling to cure diabetes in 2019, will resume her journey once she recovers. Since 2005, she has been achieving medals in yoga and athletics. She won a silver medal in the Asian Master Athletic Meet held in Malaysia. In this voyage, she aimed at covering a total of 4,500 km out of which she has already completed a journey of 3,600 km.
Another cyclist from UP, Vikas Jai started cycling on the same day as Rana and the two met after they covered 30 km of their journey. Rana and Vikas cycled together but Vikar parted from her and went to Mumbai while Rana diverted to Mangaluru where she met with the accident. Vikas then cycled 200 Km to come and see Rana.
Rana is currently residing at a local, Sachita Nandagopal's house till she recovers. Rana while talking to ETV Bharat said, "I am on a cycling trip to spread awareness about fitness. When the accident happened, Nandagopal's family had arranged everything and offered me to rest at their home. After recovery, I will continue the cycle tour again."