Vijayapura (Karnataka): A fifth standard student, Revanna Donagi has won the High Range Book of Record Award by drawing the portrait of Mahatma Gandhi in just 26 seconds. He won the award in an online drawing competition.
The versatile boy got recognised for his skills in painting earlier with Karnataka progressive painting award, State level Ravi Varma painting award.
Other than drawing, he is also interested in coin collection and he has summoned many coins of 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 paise from 1992 to 2019. Portraits of many eminent personalities are imprinted on the coins as well. He has also bagged Cholana Book of World Records for the hobby he endures consistently.
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The prodigy has also proven his talent in yoga and was awarded the India Book of Star Record in yoga.
Donagi said that he wishes to work for the betterment of poor people. In future, I should teach everyone painting and yoga at my own expense, he said. Since childhood, I have been collecting coins and practising drawing. My father always supports me, he added.
He studies in Shantiniketan school and his father talks very fondly about his multi-talented child. Shrimanta Donagi, his father, said that he relentlessly supports his son for every venture. He added that his three children are brilliant.
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