Godda (Jharkhand): The Jharkhand police arrested two women for murdering a girl and burying her severed body parts on the banks of Sundarma river in Godda. Search is on for the prime accused. Police had recovered the head and right hand of the girl from the river bank on March 14 and on the previous day, had recovered her headless corpse from the same place. But, police were clueless about the identity of the deceased since no missing complaints were lodged in any of the nearby police stations.
During the investigation, the police recovered a polythene cover, with Hyderabad address, from the spot where the woman's body was buried. Based on the other evidences collected from the spot, an investigation was launched. In the meantime, the police detained a few people for questioning. The murder came to light when one of them confessed to committing the crime. The deceased was identified as Devika, a native of Odisha, who lived in Hyderabad. The accused hatched a conspiracy with her husband, Sanjay Rai and sister to murder Devika. While both the women have been arrested, Sanjay absconded.
It was learnt that Sanjay Rai, who went to Hyderabad for a job married Devika, four years ago keeping his first wife in the dark. When Sanjay came home and his wife heard that he had remarried, a dispute rose between the two. Then, the woman, along with Sanjay and her sister, planned to murder Devika.
Acting on the plan, Sanjay brought Devika to his village on March 12 and took her to his sister-in-law's house. On the pretext of taking Devika for a walk, he took her to the river and murdered her. The police said Devika was hit on the head several times by a heavy object. In order to hide her identity, her right hand, which had a tattoo, was chopped off. Her headless body, head and right hand were buried in separate places in the sand on the banks of river.