Godda (Jharkhand): An inquiry has been initiated against the Station House Officer (SHO) of Sunderpahari Police Station after he was suspended for not taking prompt action on a complaint of a rape victim and a Woman Police Station in charge S P Singh has been assigned the responsibility of the police station.
The action was taken against the police official after an ETV Bharat news report published the entire matter in detail.Interacting with the news portal, the new SHO said an accused has been arrested and raids are being conducted at various places in the region to arrest others as well.
He said the case is being investigated thoroughly and all involved in the crime would be arrested soon.
On Saturday last, a disabled girl was gang raped while she was returning home from the market. The matter was reported to the police but they did not take any action even after four days and it was then the ETV Bharat reported the matter of inaction by the police, which followed the removal of the SHO and action against the accused.
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