Ranchi: Mystery shrouded the death of Vivek Kumar Mahato, son of Sindri MLA Indrajit Mahato. Vivek reportedly visited his friend at Silli Polytechnic College on Sunday night and died mysteriously while undergoing treatment in a hospital after he fell ill. The police sent the body for post-mortem at RIMS where BJP MLA Samri Lal and JMM MLA Mathura Prasad Mahato went to enquire and find out how Vivek breathed last.
The Silli police registered a case and launched a probe into the death. BJP Rural District General Secretary Nitai Rajwar said that MLA Indrajit has been undergoing treatment in Hyderabad for the past two years. Vivek was mentally disturbed by his father's illness, and apart from that he was under stress because of his studies. The BJP leader further stated that he had come to Ranchi a few days ago after appearing for B Tech exams in Delhi. He suspected that exam stress and hhealthther's hospitalisation might have taken a toll on his heath.
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A police officer said that Vivek had gone to meet his friend at Silli Polytechnic College where his health deteriorated and he was immediately admitted to the nearby hospital by his friend, later, he was shifted to Bhagwan Mahavir Medica Superspecialty Hospital in Ranchi for better treatment. He died on Monday morning while undergoing treatment. The health of the MLA's wife also deteriorated after she was informed about her son's death. The police started a probe into the mysterious death.