Bokaro (Jharkhand): Days after the heartbreaking incident of a Class X girl taking her own life after being slapped for wearing a 'bindi' to school in Jharkhand's Dhanbad, a similar incident surfaced from Bokaro district where a Class IX student was thrashed for wearing a 'Kalawa' (sacred thread). The incident took place at Carmel School in Bokaro Thermal on July 19 and the accused teacher was suspended after family members and people from several Hindu outfits protested against the incident.
The student alleged that his teacher Amit Lakda thrashed him for wearing a sacred thread to school and he was asked to bring his father to school the next day. The student informed his family members about the incident. After learning about the incident, several members of Hindu organisations like the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal reached the school and protested against the teacher.
They also met the school headmistress Joyce Kullu and asked her to initiate an inquiry into the incident. The protesting family members also demanded strict action against the accused teacher. Speaking to the media, Vinay Khushwaha, a member of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, said, "Physically and mentally torturing a student for wearing a sacred thread is wrong."
Also Read: Class 10 student dies by suicide after teacher scolds her for wearing 'bindi' in Dhanbad
Earlier on July 10, a school student in Jharkhand's Dhanbad died by suicide after being beaten up by her teacher for wearing a 'bindi' to school. The family members of the deceased staged a protest against the management and also urged the police to take action. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) sent a team to Dhanbad to investigate the matter. Following this, the police arrested the accused teacher. Dhanbad Child Welfare Commission (CWC) Chairman Uttam Mukherjee also complained to the District Education Officer about the school not having affiliation with the CBSE.